for some reason i'm getting excited at the possibility of making the cut for this reality tv thing. we haven't even turned in our application yet, how silly am i?!? i haven't gotten really excited about anything lately, so this is a welcome change. i've actually played scenarios in my head of what i should put on the application that will catch their eye, what questions will be asked during the interview process, i've even considered filling out nick's application for him so i can make him sound super interesting and to make sure it's legible. when did i become so gay!? and when did i become such a control freak? i have to have my hand in everything. tomorrow we make our 3 minute video. i've got to come up with something cool and maybe script it out. it's so crazy how something like this can change my attitude. i've been in this rut, hating my job, and now all i can think of how if we make this...we can scream "take this job and shove it!" right in their faces. oh, to imagine the possibility is so exhilerating!
back to reality, my reality!