today was another baby doctors appointment. i had to get an ultrasound to check on the placenta problem they found at my last appointment. and just like the doc told me it's migrated upwards and, as of now, is no longer a problem. the doc quickly did a 4d ultrasound for me and was able to get a decent face shot. i can now rest seeing the baby actually has eyelids. i was a little worried for a second there. the nurses at aaron's office have given baby westphal a new nickname,
squiggy from
laverne and shirley. i actually think he could be a future member of
the misfits, but that's just me. it's not actually his hair, just a shadow the machine put on his forehead, but it is funny to think that it is. i don't think he's sucking his thumb. that's what everyone has been asking me. i'm pretty sure it's just his hand up by his face.
the rest of the appointment was pretty standard. i did get a regular flu shot, which was a first for me, at least that i can remember. i'll be getting the swine flu shot when it arrives in the next month or so. my
quad screen also came back negative which was great and one less thing to worry about. and, drum roll please, i've gained a whopping 8 pounds in the last month. so from start of the ivf process in march to now i've gained about 20 pounds. i'm gonna guess i'll gain another 20 before it's time to deliver. yeah right. we'll just have to wait and see.
at my next appointment, which is in three weeks, i'll be doing the dreaded glucose test. i have a feeling if there's any test i'm gonna fail it's gonna be this one. pretty much all i've been eating are sweets and carbs. i wouldn't necessarily say i've been craving them but set a box of french fries in front of me and i can pretty much guarantee they'll be gone in no time flat.
here's my 22 week pic and my attempt to look a little slimmer. ;)

i finally finished the 20 pairs of scrub pants i had to alter. so hopefully in the next few weeks i'll be able to concentrate on some other sewing projects. i do have a few already in mind.
You are incredibly adorable. The baby takes my breathe away. I am ecstatic for you guys!!! As you know... Tiff is having another. Baby Loomis II will be here around March 24!! So I get to be an auntie again... woohoo!! I am so happy everything is going so smoothly for you. The glucose test is not as bad as you think. My sugars were always borderline. I will keep you in my prayers. Pat the baby for me. Love Ya!!
He looks just like me!
you look absolutely fabulous!!!! I wanna give you a big preggo hug asap!!!
Wow! You look adorable. (Baby, too!) XOXO
Aunt Debbie wants to know if they've changed your due date yet. That picture looks pretty developed for 5 months. I gained 53 and 63 lbs. with my kids. Aren't scrubs great?!?
i can't believe how far along you are -- it's going by soooo fast!! you look great!
Not even outta the belly and already sportin' a devil's lock! AWWWWW!!!! You must be proud!
Susan, you look adorable! I'm so happy for you and I totally think you have a little punk drummer on the way!
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