Thursday, October 13, 2005

the queen of near hit and miss

i'm the queen of nearly hitting and missing cars in front of me. yesterday i almost smashed into a car that pulled out in front of's me: "hey lady, hey lady, HEY LADY!" i swerved into oncoming traffic...luckily the truck barreling towards me was 20 yards away. don't know what would have been worse, me hitting her head on or me hitting the truck head on. either or i would have had a demolished car. after composing myself, i looked back and the lady had this dumbfounded look on her face. cross-traffic does not stop....that means me lady, i'm not stopping! that red, octogon thing in front of you - use it! it'll help keep my heart in my chest and keep our cars out of the junk yard.

playoff game in 3 hours and counting. woo-hoo! go cards!

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