Saturday, April 04, 2009


yes, this was taken yesterday. shortly after my ER. i appear to be to be in a hazy fog. a happy, druggy fog. to my surprise 15 eggs were retrieved. a few more than last time. got the report this morning. 15 retrieved, 12 were mature eggs, and out of those 12, 10 fertilized. so far so good. right now i'm scheduled to do a three day transfer. which will be monday at noon. there is a chance, if the embryos are doing awesome, we'll be do a 5 or 6 day transfer. i have to call monday morning to find out. fingers, toes, and anything that can be crossed is crossed. a big thanks to everyone for all your support. love you guys!!


Jen lleras said...

You've got 30 fingers, 30 toes, 4 testicles, two ovaries, 6 eyes, 6 arms, and 6 legs crossed here in Maryland for you. You look great by the way, even with no make up and all drugged up, much better than my hospital picture fro my appendix. We love ya, good luck!!!

Pookie-san` and ME said...

Wow....way to go! I have everything crossed and hoping for the best. GOOD LUCK!!!

Pookie-san` and ME said...

Good Luck Today! I will be saying a prayer for you and the emmbies!

Inspiration said...

woo hoo! Great pic for ER!! :)