Sunday, July 13, 2008

friends 4 eva

a blast from the past! yes, these were all made recently. luana asked me if i knew how to make friendship bracelets and if i did, could i teach her. i only knew how to make the simple stripes and the V shape from back in the day. ahhh, the power of the internet. i found this great tutorial with detailed instructions. once you master the forward and backward knot, it's pretty easy to branch out and try the advanced designs. so these are what we've been crafting for the past week. from far left: made by mom, luana and the rest were made by me. mom is now sporting her creation.

the house quiet again. everyone has finally left the building. things should be getting back to normal shortly. more about the weekend tomorrow. i'm dead tired!

1 comment:

Jen lleras said...

Now if only you can make some of those gimp key chains from back in the day!