Friday, July 04, 2008

miss maggie

been a little incognito this week. entertaining a 17-year-old and my mother has been somewhat time consuming. hopefully by the end of the weekend i'll be able to post photos from the past week. i'm playing a bit of catch-up too, hopefully i'll be able to chat, email, comment with everyone soon.

here's the answer to my dad's question today: "How many time have you had to chase her down the road so far?" we've also got maggie (brian's yorkie) with us. last time she was here we ended up chasing her down our driveway and up the road. we decided to try the shock collar on her but with the shock feature disabled, (it would just beep when she got too close to the electric fence.) i did one training session with her and she pretty much picked it up. such a smart pooch. happy fourth everyone!

1 comment:

Jen lleras said...

what a cutie! Happy fourth, can't wait to play catch up!